Two Free PR tools every Expert needs

We all know PR is your greatest asset and biggest calling card!

It’s also a huge part of the sales funnel, can launch your visibility and influence decision making for target customers.

But for consultants, entrepreneurs, and those just starting out, it's important to keep things lean.

YOU can be your own BEST ADVOCATE as you put your own ideas in front of gatekeepers; editors, publishers, hosts and others…. but these people can be hard to find.

I love to share really simple PR resources for would-be experts who want to raise their credibility and authority through more targeted OUTREACH.

Here are two tools - both are free - they are like two gems that no one knows about but everyone should use!

In PR it's all about who you know - or more importantly, who you can reach. Today, with massive turnover of media staff and the push towards online communications through DMs and social media, people may find it actually harder to reach key gatekeepers (media, editors, event planners, podcast hosts, etc) who can put them and their message front and centre. is an online 'email hunting tool' that allows you to search up anyone's email as long as you have their company URL. This has come in handy say, when recently searching for a specific Huffington Post editor whose contact info wasn't displayed online, but by using the email search in - we were able to figure out his direct email and craft a personalized message that didn't land in a general inbox. This can be a life saver when you're under the gun!

Hemmingway Editor

When putting yourself and your content into the space of thought leadership, developing high quality and well written content is key.

In a recent study, executive decision makers ranked only 15% of content they read as actually 'excellent or high quality' enough to win their trust, and gain their following or credibility. With the amount of content entering the online space, PR professionals need to be diligent with the quality of our clients' content. The Hemmingway app gives you an instant grammar review, grade reading level and other suggestions for your written content.

Because it's important to customize your content for your audience or readership, the grade level can indicate if your writing level is too high or below standards for a particular outlet - this is important as it could lead to increased placements and more engagement with your piece.

I hope you enjoy adding these to your Expert Tool Kit!